Monday, February 13, 2006

What would you do if you knew this was your last day on earth?


fobsie said...

1.Eat fish curry and rice made by my mother (that will be the only meal).
2.Read any one of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's short stories.
3.Listen to Beethoven's symphony No:7,Mozart's Eine kleine Nachtmusik,All the music In the Film Rudali,Few Malayalam songs written by Vayalar.
4. Make love to my wife.
5. Kiss my to daughters good bye.
6.Pay off all my debts.
7.climb the highest mountain possible, and watch the sun go down, meditate everything that I learned in this life and wait for death.

Vijay said...

i came up with this question once. phrased it differently though. and sent it around to friends. was surprised by the bland replies. i thought they d come up with something wacky/purposeful/enlightening..Nothing. Then i asked myself the same question. And came up with a list that produced a 19kb document in notepad :)
Will mail to you sometime. Read it in leisure

Geetha Mohandas said...

I have already experienced this once..when I knew Mohan was going..and was a witness.
If it was what would I do??..enjoy the last moments of life..breathe..and happily wait for death..
For one has to take everyday as the last day and perform.I do it
SO havent got anything special to do, even if it is the D DAY