Tuesday, October 10, 2006


A: "i like people who stick strongly to their ideals...come wht may....i havent come across anyone in life who has been this way...they give away at some point of time...more than anythin it takes strength of heart..and i wudnt say its impossible...people are usually scared of wht they think and believe...they need others to give them the conviction...the point is not of being right or wrong ..but is to be able to hold on..and have an unconditional attitude to life...and keep believing in themselves and the seamless boundaries the human mind can yet transcend..."

N: "i feel.....people chould change and must change....if you think you are wrong you have the right to be right...one must always leave room for mistakes and correcting them...we all change..knowing that you are in the>worng or u have made the wrong choices and sticking by it is kinda dumb...change is always for the better,....it is the human perception of change that must change..."

A: "i wouldnt agree with u on that....a person's convictions suddenly seem wrong one fine day..coz people around them make them want to think so....as i sad..some people jus dont have it in them...to hold on...thats wht separates the ordinary from the extraordinary..."

N: "you are curbing an individual's freedom by not giving him an option...a person should be free to do whatever he wants...if he wants to quit he should...it is pointless to hold a person to something...because it is impossible to remain the same....he wud be lying if he said he didnt believe in change..one must learn to adapt...otherwise you will just decay....it is only the fittest that survive...the rest wither and die....it is good to have principles and stick to them....all i am saying is you cannot crucify a person to being ordinary just because he decided to make a choice...
sometimes when you listen to certain people what they say makes sense to you....and you see yourself in a totally different light...man is not a solitary animal...there is a reason why he is a social animal...roark cannot exist in real life....he is the ideal that can exist only in a novel ...have you noticed..he doesnt have a family...a mother...a father...it makes a big difference.. "

1 comment:

Geetha Mohandas said...

Interesting conversation...this..
I like both the arguements.
One is an idealistic situation, but then it isnt easy in a social situation..Boundaries are set and are not easy to be free of...it takes immense courage to do so..
If you can...A..then it is great.but then it should involve you only..why should the other person agree with you..for he or she will have strong ideas themselves...to live life by..