Saturday, July 16, 2005

The basic difference between men and women

The basic difference between men and women or is there a basic difference at all...?!!?!!?!

I dont think there is a need to create and probe a gender difference here. I just feel there are a lot of different people who happen to be men and women. The difference lies irrespective of the gender.

But one thing can of course be said that women are a wee bit more emotional and insecure when it comes to relationships than men usually are. I think the most important thing in a relationship is emotional security. Once that is stabilised and maintained, it is a smooth ride for the both of them. But then again it is the most difficult thing to achieve.

I dont like it when anyone talks stuff to me like, "oh I know how you women are! All the same", " Just like you women to behave like this". Treat me like a own self, dont treat me like a brand ambassador for all the women of the world. I am not one for sure :)

I am just a 21 year old , going through life like any other person my age. It is unfair to typecast me with the rest of them. We are all unique in our own ways. We have our own set of trials and we face them in our own unique manner. However odd or weird they may be.

There might of course be a pattern in the way men and women usually behave. But I dont want to be bothered with that.

I dont understand why there is a need to differentiate between the sexes. It would be so much simpler if we are looked at and treated as individuals rather than as a boy or a girl.

Looking at the larger picture I say, "To hell with feminism! To hell with male chauvanism! Lets talk humanitarianism here...The world would definitely be a better place if every man simply accepted a woman as another human being as strong or as vulnerable as himself rather than treating her as just a mere object of lust or loathe and if every woman treated man as her equal and not consider him inferior or superior to herself.

We speak of being secular when we are practising the most primitive, most basic discrimination, the "gender discrimination". Why???
I dont know...

Its just the way it has been over ages I guess... It is high time though that the trend changes..It is time we learnt to respect and accept our fellow human beings just the way they are. My identity ought to be defined not by my gender but by my capabailities as an individual.

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