Sunday, July 17, 2005

They also serve who only stand and wait

The journey feels the longest and most tiresome when your destinatination gets closer. Most quit .. It takes courage to hang in there.

Sometimes we forget ourselves even while leading self obsessed lives. We tend to do the same things we preach others against doing. From time to time, it helps to get a fresh perspective from another person on our lives. That is why we need to cherish our friends.

But friends betray too. Can't blame them they are human beings after all.

We need to have faith and trust just that one person who will never let go. Most of us call it God. It helps to have blind faith and hope in His powers.

It doesn't pay to be a cynic.We need to believe to achieve.

But make sure the belief isn't misplaced. Human beings can let you down. God can't and He wont because you created Him in the first place. You can't let yourself down. God is just an extension of yourself. If you believe you exist, He exists too.

When everyone around you has let you down, you are confused and you feel low. Just turn to Him for comfort. Thats what I did today. I resorted to God ultimately and I feel good.

We all live in a selfish world. We face our battles alone and we can never live by the principle of entitlement!!!

I am learning it the hard way. Detachment is the key.

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