Sunday, July 17, 2005

The solitude of company

They felt like mist, like dew, like cloud
A mirage soon forgotten amidst the dusky lanes
Of morn, You were there so was I
It was new. There was bliss
Fear crept in earthly binds
Unavoidable abided the binds
Fleeting moments of ecstasy
Intensity of soul searching music
Disppeared floating into souls never unearthed
Lest good be spoken of as evil
For purity of thought, of deed, of love
Incomprehensible, alone I stand
Seeking your hands of comfort,of company
Stand with me.. I fear you wont
Pride and prejudice I wade across
Wont you too?
To feel the gentle breeze
The tenderness of knowing beyond the sensory
Into the yonder, to cherish the solitude of company

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